By Agus rahmansyah /English letters III A
Your tremble
When your voice present to my soul
Flee the voice sheet without emptiness
Make my heart so tremble
So make calm in the confusing
I do not know why
I feel you there
Something beside of me
Should I hide my feeling?
Should I hidden in the emptiness
Really I cannot afford restrain a groan my heart
This is afraid lost of you
This afraid the all disappeared from my daydream
Tossed like dew in morning
Tossed like dust in barren land
I do not want the all happen
I hope to always hear your tremble
Tremble which could to make a calmest in my soul
Which chase away the longing in my heart?
Which chase away the hubbub in my soul?
Your Supremacy
Shall my overcome all this
In room emptiness do not tip of
Passing contemplation which no desisting
I lift do to trot out in darkness
Circuit room which no desisting
Slamming dream which no desisting
I see at all of fig and hope
Overcoming blankness and vibration
I feel all full of meaning
In meaning there is infinite word
Unreadable in reality
What do not be describe in thing
Infinite really your creation
Really do not limit by your willing, God
Really your creation grand
No useless your creation
Forgetting you
I can’t feel you there
You are so far away
That’s no way for me for going
That’s all have been cut by you
I can’t reach where you are place
So much time to go away
And so tired to being like you
In this time I’ll break my heart
Just want for forgetting you
And I don’t want to think about you
In this time I’ll go away
For a while from your face
And take my self from you
And so tired to me being what you want
And so higher to be like your self
From a wile from your face
You are perfect
In my live you are so beautiful
I always keep for you
You flee the voice of peace
In every my steep
In every my live
In every my time
I always together with you
You are the spirit for me
You are my soul
Not doubt from you
Not falsehood in your eyes
Your live is my live
Your glade is my glade
Your shade is my shade
Yours is mine
You are the gift for me
The beautiful gift from my God
For me for my live
You are so perfect. Perfect and perfect
Saturday, February 9th, 2008
I will not load kinds of to you
I am the good people
I am only wishing just interlocutor not more
Weight feels my heart to laying open it
I cannot ready to touch you more than anything else hurt you
Your self is the best people which I recognize
You so perfect
In my eyes you so respect
Your self make myself more is meaning
Don’t know until when I will hide it
Although sometimes this mind fight my founding
Founding which will not recognize you farther
Really pain felt in this liver
This a fact to me
Ready to me pass all it
Dalam kesunyian terus kutatap awan
Kutatap kebawah
Kulihat jalan yang penuh hiruk pikuk
Kutatap semua wajah-wajah kehidupan
Ditengah gemuruhnya suara hati
Angina berhembus
Membawa diri dalam kedamaian
Tapi langkah tak sebatas ini
Ku terus mengenangmu
Walau hati tak sebening air
Dan tak seputih pasir
Aku tersentak
Aku tergoda
Dan aku telah terendam dalam lautan jiwamu
Kumohon lupakan aku
Sikecil ini tak kan dapat mengalir dalam kedustaan
Hati terus berbisik
Terus meronta pada keputusan
Terus melilit pada sisa-sisa perasaan
Terus membayang pada dia yang sedang tenang
Dan menanti akhir dari keputusan
Kamis, 2008 Juli 10
By Agus rahmansyah /English letters III A
Your tremble
When your voice present to my soul
Flee the voice sheet without emptiness
Make my heart so tremble
So make calm in the confusing
I do not know why
I feel you there
Something beside of me
Should I hide my feeling?
Should I hidden in the emptiness
Really I cannot afford restrain a groan my heart
This is afraid lost of you
This afraid the all disappeared from my daydream
Tossed like dew in morning
Tossed like dust in barren land
I do not want the all happen
I hope to always hear your tremble
Tremble which could to make a calmest in my soul
Which chase away the longing in my heart?
Which chase away the hubbub in my soul?
Your Supremacy
Shall my overcome all this
In room emptiness do not tip of
Passing contemplation which no desisting
I lift do to trot out in darkness
Circuit room which no desisting
Slamming dream which no desisting
I see at all of fig and hope
Overcoming blankness and vibration
I feel all full of meaning
In meaning there is infinite word
Unreadable in reality
What do not be describe in thing
Infinite really your creation
Really do not limit by your willing, God
Really your creation grand
No useless your creation
Forgetting you
I can’t feel you there
You are so far away
That’s no way for me for going
That’s all have been cut by you
I can’t reach where you are place
So much time to go away
And so tired to being like you
In this time I’ll break my heart
Just want for forgetting you
And I don’t want to think about you
In this time I’ll go away
For a while from your face
And take my self from you
And so tired to me being what you want
And so higher to be like your self
From a wile from your face
You are perfect
In my live you are so beautiful
I always keep for you
You flee the voice of peace
In every my steep
In every my live
In every my time
I always together with you
You are the spirit for me
You are my soul
Not doubt from you
Not falsehood in your eyes
Your live is my live
Your glade is my glade
Your shade is my shade
Yours is mine
You are the gift for me
The beautiful gift from my God
For me for my live
You are so perfect, Perfect and perfect
Saturday, February 9th, 2008
I will not load kinds of to you
I am the good people
I am only wishing just interlocutor not more
Weight feels my heart to laying open it
I cannot ready to touch you more than anything else hurt you
Your self is the best people which I recognize
You so perfect
In my eyes you so respect
Your self make myself more is meaning
Don’t know until when I will hide it
Although sometimes this mind fight my founding
Founding which will not recognize you farther
Really pain felt in this liver
This a fact to me
Ready to me pass all it
Finished in jan7th , 2008
Ku sampaikan kisah-kisah semangat perjuangan ini
Dalam goresan tinta dan air mata
Dalam heningnya malam
Dalam dinginnya udara malam
Dalam pulir-pulir tetes keringat
Tak pernah putus dari kegalauan jiwa
Walau habis gelap kan datang terang
Walau habis panas kan datang dingin
Tak tersirat kata menyerah
Tak tersirat untaian putus asa
Merona jala-jalan ditengah kegersangan
Kegersangan hati yang tak kunjung padam
Kegalauan hati yang tak kunjung sirna
Terus mencailah
Terus berjuanglah
Gapai angan nan mulya
Gapai surya nan cerah
Disana terbentang tempat yang cerah
Dihari esok buah berjuangan akan menanti sang pemetik
Sang pemetik ialah sang penanam buah
Menatap nan jauh
Rayuan angin tak juga sirna
Gemuruh bocah-bocah nan sore bermain bola
Ditengah sang awan yang mencoba menguning
Dan para peladang yang siap menaikkan penanya dipundak
Aku masih terus bergumam
Melangkah manis dudukpun tak nyaman
Kubayangkan dikau disana
Sedang aku tak tau
Tak tau gerangan hujan kan menerpa atau panaskah
Gerangan apa yang kau kehendaki
AKu malu tuk jujur padamu
Tapi aku tak ingin bayangmu sirna
Seiring bocah-bocah yang lari dari permainannya
Dan mungkin lembar-lembar kertas ini yang akan berbicara
Dan tetesan tinta-tinta ini yang ingin menertawaiku
Pada aku yang tak juga beranjak
Beranjak dari pendirian hati
Tok-tok “Shalby”
Feb.1st , 09
Tok tok suara pintu
Prak-prak, tepuk tangan
Tek tok, suara langkah itu
Parodi-parodi telah dimulai
Janji-janji pada negeri telah berkumandang
Wajah-wajah nan gagah berpapasan
Paras nan cantik bertebaran
Dan ragam pesona pemikat bergentayangan
Alam raya negeri bergembira
Wajah penuh harapan diantar rusuk-rusuk yang melintang
Ditengah kumal dan dekil pakaian
Mereka menanti harapan itu
Mereka ingin jajni itu
Mereka yakin engkau-engkau adalah manusia berbudi
Engkau-engkau adalah pilar yang menegakkan tiang tiang atap
Dan engkau bukan lah Shalby yang hanya tok-tok
Sunday, Jan. 4th 2009
Berat rasanya
Aku masih berada ditempat itu, tak cukup rasanya batin ini menahan gejolak hati yang kian membara.
Seperti kata orang menahan cinta itu seperti memegang bara api semakin ditahan semakin panas dan bergejolak.
Aku tak percaya semua itu tapi hati ini tak mungkin terus kudustai.
Mengapa aku terjerumus dalam kekacauan pikiran ini
Bukankah aku telah berniat untuk tidak ikut dalam pertempuran hati itu
Aku memang seorang lelaki
Dan aku pasti butuh seorang teman dalam hidup ini
Yang mengerti akan kepribadianku
Yang mengerti akan keadaanku.
Tak bermaksud banyak menuntut
Aku bias menerima kekurangmu
Tapi apakah kau bias menerima kekurangan yang melekat pada diriku
Aku yakin semua ada penyelesaian
Semua akan ada keputusan
Semua akan ada kearifan tuk menyikapinya
Aku tak tau kapan semua ini akan berakhir
Dan jawaban itu hanya ada didirku
Aku yang membuat kunci , aku yang mebuka dan aku pula yang memulai dan mengakhiri
Sungguh sebuah teka teki kehidupan yang meungkin mudah tapi bukan tidakmungkin banyak diantara kita mengalami kekacauan melaluinya.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Why my heart…always
Why my soul always remember you
Your self always come in my felling
There is always something different in my heart when I met you
I confuse…really
I always try to forget you
I always try to loss your slight in my feeling
But these felling always come
These feeling always come in my soul, always
In every my time
In every my activity
Your slight always present in my felling
Hard to fell
But I always keep my felling
And some times you will know
About my felling, about my heart
And you know
I love you more than you know
Belief it, you are part of my soul
Sunday, February 15, 2009
A few minutes with you
Today I talk with you
Just a few
A few minutes, but
It can make care my restlessness
It can cure my longing
I am tired to be like that
But I fine with you
I don’t believe in this felling
But my felling usually comes true
What its name is love
What it’s meant that I love you
Or just illusion
Or just a narcissism
I do not know the answer
The answer only in you and me
And I belief sometime
I will get the answer of my felling
True or false, but
You are my dream…
Kepulan asap itu
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Membumbung tinggi dalam kehampaan
Menerjang batas dalam ruang-ruang
Mengusik celah yang telah terlelap
Asap-asap itu terus keluar
Mereka acuh pada celah-celah yang sunyi
Mereka bawa putih menjulang
Berlalu lalang didepan sana
Siroda empat yang tak kenal lelah
Yang tak kenal teriknya surya
Dan tak lekang dinginnya tetesan embun
Namun aku terus mencari
Mencari akan titik pencerah kehidupan ini
Dan sepertinya kita perlu bertanya siapa aku
Siapa engkau, dan siapa kamu
hingga esok menyapa ramah
jangan kau tanggalkan siapa dirimu
benih itu,
Wednesday night, February 18, 2009
Puing kedamaian yang telah layu
Yang telah lanyu oleh daun yang bersemi
Daun bersemi menggoda hati
Daun layu menguning dan berguguran
Helai-helai itu kini menaiki tahtanya
Mencoba merebut kembali
Mencoba mengail sisa-sisa cinta yang ada
Menghidupkan kembali getaran itu
Rangkain air mata dan darah tertumpah
Kata-kata dan rayuan melayangkan kemanisan
Kemanisan yang semu
Keasaman yang abstrak
Dan kerinduan yang tabu
Dan janji-janji yang yang tertupahkan ditanah bumi pertiwi
Saturday night, february 21th , 2009
Mungkinkah saat ini ku harus bicara
Haruskah kita bicara
Bicara pada dinding-dinding kehidupan
Diding terjang yang meneropong kehidupan
Mereka, mereka dan mereka
Yang tak lekang diterpa badai ombak
Yang berjuang pada diding-dinding kehidupan
Dan bukan mereka,,
Yang berselimut janji-janji semu
Yang berbaju dusta
bersepatu kebohongan
dan berkendara kepentingan
kita tahu bangsa ini sedang menangis
anak negeri yang terus meronta
penduduk negeri yang terus didera
dan kita kan larut dalam kehampaan semu