by Agus Rahmansyah
Leader is a person who chosen for leading, if we talk about the leader exactly acquaintance with the leadership. Leadership is the relationship in which one person, or the leader, influences others to work together willingly on related task to attain that which the leader desires/ GR.TERRY in Principles of Management. And other hand leader is person and leadership is acquaintance with system in leading. in this chase was clear that we need the leader which wish keeping the relation with other person for one purpose together, because with the good relation will create those decisions which is profiting each other and deputizing all element. as the leader we may not being exclusive we have to being interaction anyone else, the leader is served, served for whoever which is required not discrimination, we do not need the leader which loud in speech but zero in action, we know that one our action is better than thousands our word, action speech louder than word.
To do all that heavy job, exactly we need the best leader, which is not narrow knowledge, having character, good morality, religious and think globally, and put the public interest over private interest as well group or faction motive. we wish capability from our leader but not popularity, besides that, the most basic matter is the action of the leader in daily who proper and appropriate with his words. We often find the leader in our country almost never consistence with their promise, did not consequence with their words, they instruct to do something that important for our country but they did not give the contribution who appropriate with their words.
The ironically in our country is still many practice of corruption, collusion and nepotism, those problem are like have been a tradition that very close in our country. We know that if the corruption still runs in our country, so our county that will get the difficulty to growth be the independent country. The corruption is the poison who indirectly could to kill the Indonesian people, especially lower class people. They always receive the effect and become the victim of corruption practice in bureaucracy. How will we improve the welfare of the lower class people if still many practice of corruption in our country.
The elite politic in center of government more like to defeat each other than more action for giving the contribution to the society directly. They always critic each other and look like bring private motive than public interest. We can not image if the leader in our country only pursuit the private motive in their politic activities. The vision to create the stabilities in this country look very hard if still many private motive in politic activities, and the end the lower class people have to be the victim of their motive. It is very crawl and look like exploitation people of people.
The problem in our country there will not finish if the elite politic still critic each other for their political position. We should realize that the people in this country still many live in the poor and hard time. They need our really action from their leader. Let’s we care to the lower class and keep out the private motive, do not make they always be the victim from the conflict of elite politic. We belief that we could judge who will proper to be a leader in our country, and they are the best leader in this country, so do not make a mistake to choose a leader. Be smart in chosing!...
thanks anyway